Wednesday, March 20, 2013

DIY Drinks Trolley

I like the idea of a drinks trolley.  To me it evokes something glamorous and decadent,  straight from the vaults of old school Hollywood.  I am sure any drink I would make from there would taste that much better because it came from the drinks trolley. Whether you fill the shelves with bottles or just use a select few along with some vintage decanter bottles there are so many styling options.   


So I was pretty excited when on a recent trip to here I found this run down trolley... as soon as I saw it I thought drinks trolley...  a neon drinks trolley!

The best part of my DIY drinks trolley is that it was super easy to do!

Materials I used:
1. fine sandpaper
2. White Knight spray paint in fuchsia

All we needed to do was give the trolley a good clean and a quick sand with some fine sand paper.  We then sprayed the trolley with two layers of fuchsia spray paint and let it dry.  It took less than two hours and all up cost me less than $15.

Anyone keen for a drink?

M xx

Images: here, here


  1. That looks great, I agree and love a drinks dispenser too. I love your styling.. x
