Thursday, April 4, 2013


We were lucky enough to head to Bali for a mini break over Easter.  I had never been to Bali and had heard mixed reviews from people we'd spoken to but I was really keen to see it for myself and explore as much as we could in only four days.  Turns out you can get a lot done in four days and we had a fantastic time away.  

While there is so much more to Bali than the shopping, there are some great retailers around with some really creative fitouts and visual merchandising like the below.  


Turns out my favourite purchase from the trip is something that didn't come from any of these shops but came from a roadside stall in rural Ubud.  In the pursuit of getting a great photo of the rice paddy fields I had stepped down off the road and stood alongside a local market stall.  Hanging up outside were these amazing buffalo skulls!

Not knowing whether we could get one back into Australia I was hesitant about buying one as it would have been horrible to leave it at the airport.  The lady offered us the top one for $50 which was such a great offer  we couldn't refuse.  Turns out it was absolutely fine to get it through customs so now 'skully' is home with us and I couldn't be happier with it!

Now I just need to find somewhere to hang it. 

M xx

P.S the latest issue of Adore Home is out and look what is on the bottom right corner of page 25! 


  1. Some one had to love it! Please don't hang it in the spare bedroom though!

    1. Ha ha E, you'll be pleased to know it has been hung in the lounge room. I'll post a picture soon

  2. Love the wall and wire ones in pic #2!
    Glad you have given Skully a home and got through customs!!

    1. The wall in #2 is great isn't it C. It is at Mister Zimi, I think they have stores in Sydney and Melbourne too?

  3. Meredith that's awesome!!! What a bargain for $50. So impressed you got it through customs ok too. I once had to leave hand-painted Easter eggs from Germany behind that I bought for my (German) mother... waah! Still wish I'd paid the fee to have them disinfected/quarantined now.

    1. Thanks Maya! What a shame about your eggs, they sound beautiful. A good excuse to go back to Germany though?

  4. Can't wait to see where you decide to hang this...

    1. Thanks Rex, we just found a home for 'skully' on the weekend so I will post some photos soon.
